Friday, 14 September 2012

Post AGM round up

Some things to sum up.

1 Ensigma Tier 1 licensee shipping in volume within 2-3 months
2. Caustic Pro add in card in same time frame. Licensing later but current version only uses CPU and still kicks competition's arse. If coupled with a Rogue SoC then performance multiplies.
3 Ray tracing on chip needs 2 more generations of process reduction to be a goer but licensing soon
4 Rogue kicks arse. Silicon running OpenGL ES 3 was dazzling.
5. Caustic Pro card ditto - and how much better than current offerings at a fraction of the price is staggering.

Forgotten half a dozen other nuggets but will get back ASAP.

Wonderful hooking up with crew new and old all day.

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